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Publishing Operations Audit

Publishing operations develop over a long period of time. They grow, sometimes to meet demand and other times in unintended and less-than-beneficial ways. Stepping back and thoughtfully considering the operation as a whole can lead to increased production, greater quality, reduced cost, and greater intentionality. 


Engage Riverwinds Consulting to do a 360-degree audit of book, journal, and digital operations including:

  • acquisitions and business development,

  • peer review systems,

  • prepress services including copyediting, proofreading, and page makeup,

  • printers,

  • outsource partners for electronic file delivery,

  • marketing and promotional services,

  • sales and distributions arrangements,

  • warehousing and fulfillment,

  • accounting and royalty reporting services,

  • rights, licensing, and permissions arrangements,

  • advertising sales agreements,

  • website and other digital offerings,

  • and all other aspects of an organization.

A complete workflow analysis can help highlight pinch points and potential places to save money.


Get started with an assessment so a determination can be made about future direction! Contact Riverwinds today.

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